Hi👋, I'm
Shubhangi Sisodia

"I am a frontend web developer who specializes in creating stunning websites that are both beautiful and highly functional. From selecting the perfect color schemes to creating intuitive user experiences , I can bring your vision to life."

Connect with Me

About Me

As a former biology student turned coding enthusiast, I have a passion for exploring both the natural world and the digital realm. My journey into coding began as a curiosity, but quickly turned into a full-blown pursuit as I discovered the power and potential of Web Development. Now, I am honing my skills and building some great projects that showcases my creativity, technical abilities, and problem-solving mindset. When I'm not coding, you can find me indulging in one of my favorite hobbies: travelling. I love immersing myself in different cultures, cuisines, and landscapes, and using these experiences to inspire and inform my work. Whether I'm hiking through the mountains or exploring a bustling city, I always keep an open mind and a sense of wonder.

1200+ Hours of Coding
500+ Mini Assignments
10+ Completed Projects

The Frontend Developer Career Path.

Scrimba, Norway
2022 - 2023

Bachelor of Science

Delhi University
2016 - 2019

SDE - Frontend Developer

June 2023 - Present

Frontend Developer Intern

ZOTH.io, Bangalore
April 2023 - June 2023

Frontend Develoepr Intern

BB Bunkerbound, Faridabad
Jan 2023 - April 2023

Skills & Tools

Frontend Development





Backend Development

Node Js


Mongo DB

Other Tech Skills


Tailwind CSS


Soft Skills

Project Management

Problem Solving


Effective Communication



Individual project, cloned within the span of 4 days.
Tech Stack - HTML | CSS | JavaScript.
Features: Sign up/Log in pages | Product pages | Add to-cart functionality | Multiple filters | Sort features | Fully Responsive

Git Repo. Deployed


ShopClues is an Indian online marketplace that was founded in 2011.
Tech Stack - HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Reactjs
A collaborative project built by a team of four
Features: Sign up/Sign in pages | Men page | Filter functionality | Product Description

Git Repo. Deployed


ZARA is a spanish clothing known for its fast fashion model.
Tech Stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript.
Features: Login/Signup Pages | Product pages -> t-shirt page, shoe page , skirt page | Add to cart functionality | Payment page | Fully responsive.

Git Repo. Deployed

Meme Generator

"Developed a meme generator web application using React, which utilizes the useState and useEffect hooks to fetch data from an external API. Users can generate custom memes by editing the text displayed on the images, making it a fun and interactive tool."

Git Repo. Deployed

Tic Tac Toe

This tic tac toe game is a web-based application built using MERN stack.
Players can choose to play against the computer or against another player, and the game board is updated in real-time as players make their moves. The application also includes features such as a chat room and a logout button to log out of the game..

Git Repo. Deployed


My Github Statistics
stats graph languages graph shubhangisisodia

Contact Me

I am currently probably napping or building something amazing.
Feel free to drop a message for any suggestion or collaboration,
and we can get in touch.




Gurgaon , Haryana
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